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  • 2b News – July 2024 #326 July 1, 2024
    Hi Everyone It's hard to believe we are halfway through the year already. We have noticed some class numbers have dropped, possibly because its winter. Even though its a bit chilly out its warm in the studios! Just a few quick announcements - POINTE CLASS CHANGES The Tuesday 11.30am and Thursday 11.15am classes will now run for 30 minutes. The 30 minute classes are $12 casual or a 5 class x 30 min card costs $50. The Wednesday 6.15pm Pointe Level 2 will now be... Read more
  • 2b News – June 2024 Update Special one off classes #325 June 21, 2024
    Hi Everyone, This is just a reminder about our two upcoming special classes with an amendment to the second class. We have two fantastic opportunities to gain insight and technical knowledge in ballet from Francois Klaus, acclaimed former Artistic Director and Chief Choreographer for Queensland Ballet. These classes will suit all levels - those new to ballet and also the more experienced. Tuesday 25th June 6.15 - 7.15pm - The use of arms, ‘ports de bras’ in ballet. How we use the arms in ballet... Read more
  • 2b News – June 2024 Update #324 June 12, 2024
    Hi Everyone This is just a quick email with some more changes to teachers coming up - Bec Brown will be taking four Friday Body Conditioning at 9.30am from June 14th to July 5th. Fiona Cullen will be taking Thursday Contemporary Level 2 at 7.30pm on 27th June. Eddie Dobinson will be taking Monday Ballet Level 1 at 6.15pm and Ballet Level 4 at 7.15pm on 17th June. Best wishes Rosetta and Michelle Michelle: 0428 672 920 Rosetta: 0411 887 043 Contact us here Class... Read more
  • 2b News – June 2024 #323 June 9, 2024
    Hi Everyone, In this newsletter we have some class updates, special focus classes and a performance to go to ... NEW DAYTIME THURSDAY CLASSES - JAZZ MUSIC THEATRE LEVEL 1 AT 10am and TAP LEVEL 1 at 11.15am We are happy to announce that Marnie Vuksan will be back from her travels and she will be taking these regular classes that will commence on June 20th. REGULAR CLASS TEACHER CHANGE - GENTLE JAZZ Marnie Vuksan will be taking this class from June 21st. SPECIAL ONE... Read more
  • 2b Alerts – Thurday Night Tap Level 1 at 6.30 pm cancelled #322 May 16, 2024
    We apologise for the late notice, but we have been unable to find a replacement teacher for this class and it is cancelled: tonight's (Thursday Night 16th May) Tap Level 1 at 6.30 pm. All other classes are running tonight as normal. Best wishes, Michelle and Rosetta Michelle: 0428 672 920 Rosetta: 0411 887 043 Contact us here Class timetables and locations Read more
  • 2b News – May 2024 #321 May 3, 2024
    Hi Everyone Lots of announcements as we head into May... NEW TEACHER FOR TAP LEVEL 1 AND BEGINNER JAZZ SATURDAY FOR MAY We would like to welcome Mina Aanat who will teaching both Tap Level 1 at 12.30pm and the Jazz Beginner class at 1.30pm for 4 weeks from May 4 - May 25. CLASS CHANGES THURSDAY EVENINGS FOR MAY 9 AND MAY 23 On these two dates there are these changes to the following classes - Pointe and Ballet Level 2 will have a... Read more
  • 2b Update – 2024-04-25 #320 April 25, 2024
    Hi Everyone We are having to cancel some classes. Unfortunately Rani is unwell and we have been unable to find a replacement teacher for the following classes: Tonight's (25th) Contemporary level 2. Friday morning's (26th) Body Conditioning & Gentle Contemporary. Best wishes Michelle and Rosetta Michelle: 0428 672 920 Rosetta: 0411 887 043 Contact us here Class timetables and locations Read more
  • 2b News – Easter 2024 #319 March 26, 2024
    Hi Everyone We have made some changes to our Easter Holiday classes. All the usual classes will be running on Saturday and Monday only. There will be no classes on Friday and Sunday. Also while we are here just a quick reminder about the special extra classes coming next week for two weeks only - Stretch with Fletch Tuesdays 6.15pm and Beginner Tap revision Thursdays 7.30pm. Best wishes Michelle and Rosetta Michelle: 0428 672 920 Rosetta: 0411 887 043 Contact us here Class timetables and... Read more
  • 2b News – March 2024 Extra #318 March 14, 2024
    Hi Everyone We have more updates coming up soon - NEW - JAZZ LEVEL 1 CLASS WITH GAIL BUBB We are happy to announce that Gail is returning to teach this Jazz level 1 class on Tuesdays at 12.15 - 1.15pm.This class will start next week on March 19th. TAP EXTRA CLASSES for BEGINNERS THURSDAYS 7.30PM Mike Lapot will take two extra classes on April 4 and April 11. These will suit those who have just complete the Introduction to Tap Course or anyone that... Read more
  • 2b News – March 2024 #317 March 5, 2024
    Hi Everyone A few announcements for March - THURSDAY CHANGE TO BALLET 10 am LEVEL 2 CLASS We are adding in an extra 15 minutes to this class with Sarah Thompson so there can be more teaching time on technical aspects for a level 2. The class will now run from 10 - 11.15am. There will be no extra cost to students for the extra time. This change will start from this week 7th March. INTRODUCTION TO POINTE COURSE THURSDAYS 6pm UPDATE This half hour... Read more
  • 2b News – February 2024 #316 February 1, 2024
    Hi Everyone Just a quick update on the classes that have only recently returned or will be returning next week. By next week all classes on the timetable will have resumed. MONDAY 10 AM BALLET LEVEL 1 This class started last week with Susan Hislop teaching until 26th Feb. POINTE LEVEL 2 WED 6.15PM Kathleen Doody will be taking this class from Wednesday 7th Feb at 6.15pm POINTE AND VARIATION LEVEL 1/2 This class resumes next week Thursday 8th at 11.15am and will be starting... Read more
  • 2b News – January 2024 #315 January 4, 2024
    Hi Everyone We would like to wish you all a Happy New Year and we hope you are enjoying the holiday break. We have the 2024 timetable, a new class and 5 week courses to announce. TIMETABLE 2024 Our timetable for 2024 is up on the website and it will commence next week on January 8th. Please note that not all of the classes will be starting in the first week and all the start dates are written on each class. Some classes have replacement... Read more
  • 2b News – December 2023 #314 December 1, 2023
    Hi Everyone Its hard to believe we in December and we are just two weeks away from our Christmas Party. We have all the details about the Party below plus info on our Christmas holiday classes. The 2024 class timetable will be up in a couple of weeks. HOLIDAY DATES AND CHRISTMAS HOLIDAY CLASSES Our main timetable will finish on Friday December 15th . In the week leading up to Christmas we are running some fun classes from Monday 18th to Thursday 20th, some of... Read more
  • 2b update – Music Theatre Jazz Thursdays postponed for a week #312 October 11, 2023
    Hi Everyone A quick announcement regarding a last minute change - MUSIC THEATRE JAZZ THURSDAYS POSTPONED FOR A WEEK Due to unexpected family circumstances Sarah will be unable to start this class until 19th October. And while we are here we have another dance to add to the Christmas Party performance list - Larissa will be doing a combined dance for her Ballet Level 4 Mondays 7.15pm and Ballet Level 2 Wednesdays 6.15pm classes. Best wishes Michelle and Rosetta Michelle: 0428 672 920 Rosetta: 0411... Read more
  • 2b News – October 2023 #311 October 9, 2023
    Hi Everyone A few quick updates - NEW TEACHERS We would like to welcome Anneka Haack and Tori Windsor to our school. How lucky we are to have two very versatile teachers - Anneka is taking Ballet Level 1 Mondays at 10am and Pointe Level 2 Wed at 6.15pm. Anneka also takes tap and jazz so you may catch her filling in for teachers when they are away. Tori will be sharing the Tap Level 1/Beginner and Jazz Beginner classes on Saturdays. WEDNESDAY 6.15pm POINTE... Read more
  • 2b News – September 2023 #310 September 30, 2023
    Hi Everyone We have lots of important changes and announcements for October, please read through. SUNDAY JAZZ CLASS POSTPONEMENT AND CHANGE OF TIME This class is postponed from this Sunday and will resume on 22nd October when Jo can return. When the class resumes it will be at the new start time of 9.30am. MONDAY 10AM BALLET LEVEL 1 CHANGE OF TEACHER Anneka Haack will be taking this class from next week while Gemma is on leave. POINTE CLASS TUESDAY MORNING NEW START TIME AND... Read more
  • 2b News – August 2023 #308 August 30, 2023
    Hi Everyone There is a lot to catch up on - special workshops, a new class, new teacher, a date for our Christmas Party and some of our students doing amazing things - ONE OFF WORKSHOPS IN SEPTEMBER Sarah Thompson will be taking the four following workshops that have a special focus - beneficial for Ballet Level 1 and above. Tuesday 19th Sept - 9.30am and 6.15pm. A closer look at centre practice. Tuesday 26th Sept - 9.30am and 6.15pm. A deep dive in to... Read more
  • 2b Update – Tap Level 1 class – cancelled for 23rd August only #307 August 23, 2023
    We apologise however we have had to cancel tonight’s tap level 1 class (Wednesday 23 Aug) as we have been unable to find a replacement teacher in time. Class will continue next week. Best wishes Michelle and Rosetta Michelle: 0428 672 920 Rosetta: 0411 887 043 Contact us here Class timetables and locations You have received this email because you are subscribed to 2ballerinas Pty Ltd as . If you no longer wish to receive emails please . 81 Mina Parade, Newmarket, Brisbane © 2ballerinas... Read more
  • Contemporary Level 1 5th Aug cancelled #306 August 5, 2023
    Unfortunately we have to cancel Contemporary level 1 class today as Jean is unwell and we have been unable to find a replacement teacher. Michelle: 0428 672 920 Rosetta: 0411 887 043 Contact us here Class timetables and locations You have received this email because you are subscribed to 2ballerinas Pty Ltd as . If you no longer wish to receive emails please . 81 Mina Parade, Newmarket, Brisbane © 2ballerinas Pty Ltd, All rights reserved. Read more
  • 2b News – July 2023 more updates #305 July 27, 2023
    Hi Everyone Just a couple of announcements - JAZZ LEVEL 3 RETURNS THIS SUNDAY The Jazz level 3 will run again from the 30th July. Joanna Nash will be taking this class until Renee returns. We would like to welcome Joanna to the 2b teaching team! BALLET BARRE FOR SALE We have an adjustable ballet barre that we are selling. It’s 3 metres long, with two barres at adjustable heights. Its a very sturdy barre. The cost is $350. If you're interested, contact us! Best... Read more
  • 2b News – July 2023 updates #304 July 17, 2023
    Hi Everyone We have some updates to classes - JAZZ CLASSES PUT ON HOLD We are putting on hold until further notice the following two Jazz classes as Renee is unavailable. Jazz Level 1 Thursdays at 11.15 am Jazz Level 3 Sunday at 10.15 am Please keep an eye on the timetable for when they will be reinstated. We will also send a newsletter to let people know. SILVER SCREEN JAZZ NEW DANCE Silver Screen Jazz returns this week 19 July with Gail Bubb. Gail... Read more
  • 2b Update – Jazz level 3 class cancelled – Sunday 16th July #303 July 15, 2023
    Class cancelled - Sunday 16th July Hi all, Just a notice that Jazz level 3 on Sunday 16th July is cancelled. The class will resume next Sunday. We understand that some people would no longer like to receive these notices. We try to send as few of these as possible. It is easy to from these informational newsletters. Just click the unsubscribe link and one more click on the confirmation page. It's quick and easy. Best wishes Michelle and Rosetta Michelle: 0428 672 920 Rosetta:... Read more
  • 2b News – July 2023 #302 July 10, 2023
    Hi Everyone Just a few quick announcements BODY CONDITIONING TOMORROW TUESDAY 10AM CANCELLED We have been unable to find a replacement teacher so this half hour class is cancelled just for tomorrow Tuesday 11th July. RETURN OF SILVER SCREEN JAZZ CLASS NEXT WEEK Thank you to those who provided feedback about this class.Silver Screen will resume on Wednesday 19 July with Gail Bubb as teacher at 11.30 - 12.30pm INTRODUCTION COURSES IN TAP AND BALLET STARTING THIS WEEK We still have plenty of room in... Read more
  • 2b Update – Jazz level 3 class cancelled – Sunday 9th July #301 July 8, 2023
    Class cancelled - Sunday 9th July Hi all, Just a notice that Jazz level 3 on Sunday 9th July is cancelled. The class will resume next Sunday. Best wishes Michelle and Rosetta Michelle: 0428 672 920 Rosetta: 0411 887 043 Contact us here Class timetables and locations You have received this email because you are subscribed to 2ballerinas Pty Ltd as . If you no longer wish to receive emails please . 81 Mina Parade, Newmarket, Brisbane © 2ballerinas Pty Ltd, All rights reserved. Read more
  • 2b News – June/July 2023 #300 June 20, 2023
    Hi Everyone Now that its winter we notice there has been a drop in attendance to classes. We encourage you to come and dance as its a great way to keep warm! Our studios have heating if needed. When classes get too small over a period of time unfortunately we have to cancel them. UPDATE RE SILVER SCREEN JAZZ CLASS WEDNESDAYS 11.15am Zoe is no longer available to take this class so we have put this class on hold while we decide whether to keep... Read more
  • 2b News – June 2023 #299 May 29, 2023
    Hi EveryoneOur news for June… POINTE AND VARIATIONS CLASS NEW DANCE - The Lilac Fairy Nat will be starting to teach the Lilac Fairy Variation from Sleeping Beauty from next week Thursday 1st June 11.15 - 12.15 pm. All welcome - with or without pointe shoes. TAP LEVEL 2 MONDAY EVENINGS CHANGE OF START TIME This class has moved to the start time of 7.30pm. NEW CLASS - TUESDAY EVENINGS PREP FOR LEVEL 1 from 7.15 - 8.15pm This class will start on 27 June.... Read more
  • 2b News – April 2023 announcements #298 April 29, 2023
    Hi Everyone A few quick announcements - CANCELLATION OF CLASS The Jazz Level 1 on Tuesdays at 7.15pm has been cancelled. LABOUR DAY CLASSES All classes will be running on the Monday Labour Day holiday. TICKETS FOR LUCIE IN THE SKY We have two tickets left for our group booking to Australian Dance Collective’s Lucie in the Sky. Its on at The Playhouse on Friday 12th May at 7.30pm. The cost of the tickets are $55 each. If you would like join us please email... Read more
  • 2b News – Anzac Day Classes #297 April 24, 2023
    Anzac Day public holiday Hi Everyone Just a quick reminder that all classes are running on the Anzac Day public holiday. Best wishes, Michelle and Rosetta Michelle: 0428 672 920 Rosetta: 0411 887 043 Contact us here Class timetables and locations You have received this email because you are subscribed to 2ballerinas Pty Ltd as . If you no longer wish to receive emails please . 81 Mina Parade, Newmarket, Brisbane © 2ballerinas Pty Ltd, All rights reserved. Read more
  • 2b News – April 2023 #296 April 17, 2023
    Hi Everyone Just a quick newsletter, INTRODUCTION COURSES STARTING THIS WEEK We have plenty of room in all the Introduction courses starting from tomorrow - Introduction To BalletTuesday 9.30 am and 6.15pm & Saturday 12.30pm Introduction to TapThursday 7.30pm Introduction to ContemporarySaturday 1.30pm Just email us to enrol. NEW T SHIRTS IN STOCK We have T-shirts in stock all sizes available women and men's sizes. Please contact Michelle to purchase WELCOME GRACE We would like to welcome Grace Sinclair into our teaching team. Grace... Read more
  • 2b News – March 2023 #295 March 21, 2023
    Hi Everyone It's been ages since we have sent a Newsletter so we have lots of new fun things and class updates to announce. POINTE AND VARIATIONS CLASS THURSDAYS 11.15am - NEW DANCE From this week Thursday 23rd March Nat will be starting to teach the Kitri solo from Don Quixote. Please bring a fan. Students are welcome to come and do this with or without pointe shoes. POINTE LEVEL 1 SATURDAYS 4.45PM - CHANGES TO CLASS From this Saturday 25 March Larissa Fletcher will... Read more
  • 2b News – January 2023 #294 January 17, 2023
    Hi Everyone Just a quick Newsletter to announce two new classes and our Introduction courses coming up - NEW CLASSES THIS WEEK - GENTLE CONTEMPORARY AND BODY CONDITIONING We are adding in a couple of new classes with Rani Luther on Fridays that will start from 20th January. Fri 9.30 - 10Body Conditioning Fri 10 - 11.15Gentle Contemporary 10 WEEK INTRODUCTION COURSES STARTING NEXT WEEK If you are thinking of doing a 10 week course as a refresher or if you know of anyone who... Read more
  • 2b News – Summer Holiday Classes 2023 #293 January 2, 2023
    Hi Everyone Happy New Year! A very quick announcement regarding the Summer Holiday Classes this week. We may have to cancel just a couple of the classes due to low numbers of bookings. We realise our students are not in the habit of booking, so if you are thinking of coming, please book by Tuesday 5pm. After that time we will decide whether to cancel or not. If a class is cancelled you will be notified by email and the timetable will be updated. If... Read more
  • 2b News – December 2022 Final #292 December 20, 2022
    Hi Everyone Thank you to all those performing at the Christmas Party, it was fantastic to see everyone! We know that many of you couldn’t make it to the party and we just want say thank to everyone for making our school so great… and a big thank you to all our teachers for all that they give. We would like to take this opportunity for a very special thank you to Kitty Smith and Fiona Cullen for so many years of teaching for us.... Read more
  • 2b News – December 2022 #291 December 5, 2022
    Hi Everyone We have just over two weeks to our Christmas Party - exciting! As it has been two years since the last one we are looking forward to seeing all the performances and catching up with everyone. This event is for 2ballerina dance students only. If you aren’t performing then please still come along and support your fellow students. BYO pillow and/or deck chairs if you have them. We will also have some chairs and benches set up. CHRISTMAS PARTY SUNDAY 18TH DECEMBER SCHEDULE... Read more
  • 2b News – November 2022 #290 November 1, 2022
    Hi Everyone A couple of announcements - CONTEMPORARY CLASSES on SATURDAY UPDATE The Contemporary Level 1 and Inner Moves will not be running this coming Saturday November 5th. The classes will resume the following week up until the end of the year. NEW CLASS - JAZZ SILVER SCREEN at 11.15am Wednesdays December 7th and December 14th with Zoe Doonar. Learn simple moves with lots of style and glamour! This class is inspired by movies from the old Hollywood era from the 30’s to 60’s and... Read more
  • 2b News – October 2022 #289 October 11, 2022
    Hi Everyone Just a couple of announcements CLASSES PERFORMING AT CHRISTMAS PARTY DECEMBER 18TH The following classes will be doing a small dance - Tap Level 1 Monday 6.15pm – Karley Tap Level 2 Monday 7.15pm – Dale Gentle Jazz Friday 11.15am – Nat Contemporary Level 3 Sunday 10.15 – Fiona Ballet Pointe Level 1 Tuesday 7.15pm – Larissa Ballet Level 4 (Monday 7.15pm & Wednesday 10 am combined) – Larissa Ballet Level 1 Saturday 1.30pm – Zoe Tap Level 2 Friday 11am – Tracey... Read more
  • 2b News – September Updates 2022 #288 September 19, 2022
    Hi Everyone Just a couple of quick announcements - Public Holiday Sept 22 All classes are running this Thursday Sept 22nd on the Day of Mourning public holiday. ARTISTRY AND STYLE CLASSES with Jacqui Carroll Monday 19th Sept & Monday 26th Sept 6.15 - 7.15pm There is plenty of room in both these one-off classes so no need to book - just turn up. This will be a fun class with a chance to get some ideas for our upcoming Christmas Party dances! Use your... Read more
  • 2b News – September 2022 #287 September 6, 2022
    Hi Everyone We have two very special announcements NEW GUEST TEACHER - JACQUI CARROLL BALLET ARTISTRY AND STYLE LEVEL 1 AND UP This is a wonderful opportunity to learn from Jacqui Carroll who will be taking two ballet classes with a special focus - Artistry and Style. Jacqui was an instrumental choreographer for The Queensland Ballet during the 80’s and 90’s. Many of the 2b teachers were fortunate to be a part of her productions of Carmina Burana, Scheherazade, Firebird, Othello, and The Sleeping Beauty.... Read more
  • 2b News – August 2022 #286 August 3, 2022
    Hi Everyone We have a couple of changes and addition of new classes to announce. NEW CLASSES THURSDAY MORNINGS STARTING AUGUST 11 Sara Thompson will be taking the following new classes - Thursday 9.30 - 10am Body Conditioning - a great way to warm up for class or just come for the 30 min stretch and strengthen exercises to start your day. Thursday 10 - 11am Ballet Level 2 Preparation - our preparation classes are an opportunity for you to ask questions and gain more... Read more
  • Tap class and course is cancelled Thursday 14 July 2022 #285 July 14, 2022
    Cancellation - Thursday 14 July only Hi everyone, We're sorry to announce that Gail Bubb is temporarily unwell, and we are unable to find a replacement teacher. We have to cancel these Tap classes tonight only: Tap Level 1 classThur 6:30pm - 7:30pm Introduction to Tap courseThur 7:30pm - 8:30pm Updated course start date Introduction to Tap Thursday 7:30pm - 8:30pm will now start July 21st We're sorry about any inconvenience. Rosetta and Michelle Michelle: 0428 672 920 Rosetta: 0411 887 043 Contact us here... Read more
  • 2b News – June 2022 updates #284 June 20, 2022
    Hi Everyone We have some special class announcements and two new teachers to introduce. NEW TEACHERS We would like to welcome Karley French who will be teaching Tap and Jazz and Jag Popham who will be teaching Contemporary. Karley will be taking - Tap level 1 - Monday 6.15pm Jazz Level 2 - Monday 7.30pm Tap Level 1 - Wednesday 7.15pm Tap Level 1 (Beginner) - Saturday 12.30pm Jazz Beginner - Saturday 1.30pm Jag will be taking- Contemporary Level 2 - Tuesday 7.15pm SPECIAL FOCUS... Read more
  • 2b News – June 2022 #283 June 4, 2022
    Hi Everyone We have several changes to classes coming up - CLASS CHANGES AND UPDATES We now have a BALLET LEVEL 3 PREPARATION running on Mondays at 10am and it is being taken by Larissa Fletcher. If you want to make the transition from a level 2 to level 3 please come and try it. JAZZ LEVEL 3 returns on Thursday 9th June to its previous evening spot at 7.30 pm. This class will be taken by Renee Watt. This means the Level 2 Preparation... Read more
  • 2b News – May 2022 #282 April 29, 2022
    Hi Everyone More news ... BALLET LEVEL 2 PREPARATION CLASS UPDATE and RETURN OF JAZZ LEVEL 3 Ballet Level 2 Preparation will finish up on June 2nd and Jazz Level 3 will return in its place on June 9th. In the next 5 weeks of Level 2 Preparation (from the 5th May - June 2nd) Vanessa will be focusing on how to develop flowing ballet sequences. The barre refines the coordination of the arms and the use of weight. While the centre focuses on the... Read more
  • 2b News – April 2022 updates #281 April 12, 2022
    Hi Everyone, A few things to catch up on... BODY CONDITIONING SATURDAY We have plenty of room in the upcoming one-off Body Conditioning class this Saturday at 12.30pm so you can just turn up, no need to book. Please bring a yoga mat. This class suitable for all levels and no dance experience is required. It's $20 or you can use your card. Zoe Doonar, who is taking this class, is a Pilates instructor so you will be in good hands! NEW CLASS! - JAZZ... Read more
  • 2b News – a covid policy reminder #280 April 1, 2022
    Hi Everyone This is just a quick email to remind everyone about our Covid policy. It is important that all people who come to the studios do not have any cold or flu like symptoms. You can read through of all the information on our Covid Safe Plan page. With thanks Rosetta and Michelle Michelle: 0428 672 920 Rosetta: 0411 887 043 Contact us here Class timetables and locations You have received this email because you are subscribed to 2ballerinas Pty Ltd as . If... Read more
  • 2b News – April 2022 term break classes #279 March 31, 2022
    Just a quick email regarding the workshops coming up next week. We we now be taking bookings for these. So just email us, by clicking the Book buttons below, if you plan on coming! Body Conditioning Workshops These classes are a mix of pilates, yoga and general stretch and strengthen exercises to help with your dancing. Tuesday 12th April 9.30 - 10.30am with Sarah Jade & Saturday 16th April 12.30 - 1.30 pm with Zoe Doonar Book Tuesday Book Saturday Pirouette Workshop This class is... Read more
  • 2b News – April 2022 #278 March 28, 2022
    Hi Everyone We have just a few announcements with some one-off classes, guest teachers and a class change. TERM BREAK SPECIAL CLASSES These one-off classes will be running in the week prior to the next Introduction Courses. Body Conditioning Tuesday 12th April 9.30 - 10.30am with Sarah Thompson Saturday 16th April 12.30 - 1.30 pm with Zoe Doonar These classes are a mix of pilates, yoga and general stretch and strengthen exercises to help with your dancing. Please bring a yoga mat. Pirouette Workshop Monday... Read more
  • 2b News – March 2022 #277 March 1, 2022
    Hi Everyone We hope you are all safe. Our thoughts are with those that have been affected. Fortunately our studios are fine so we are resuming all classes tomorrow on Wednesday March 2nd. Missed Introduction course missed classes (due to flood) Introduction to Contemporary week 5 class will be held this coming Saturday 5th March. All other missed classes for Intro to Tap and Ballet will be held in the week following the original course finish date. Here is the information that was due to... Read more
  • 2b Updates – Extending – Classes cancelled due to flooding #276 February 27, 2022
    Hi everyone, As flooding and road blockages continue throughout greater Brisbane, all classes are now cancelled Monday 28th Feb. Instead of sending multiple updates as the situation changes, we'll be updating our website daily. Check out the homepage or timetable page for updates. Our thoughts are with those who are impacted by floodwaters. Best wishes Michelle and Rosetta Michelle: 0428 672 920 Rosetta: 0411 887 043 Contact us here Class timetables and locations You have received this email because you are subscribed to 2ballerinas Pty... Read more
  • 2b Updates – Classes cancelled due to flooding #275 February 26, 2022
    Hi everyone, Due to extensive flooding and road blockages throughout greater Brisbane, all classes this weekend (26, 27 Feb) are now cancelled. We hope to be up and running again on Monday. We will send another update should the situation change. Our thoughts are with those who are impacted by floodwaters. Best wishes Michelle and Rosetta Michelle: 0428 672 920 Rosetta: 0411 887 043 Contact us here Class timetables and locations You have received this email because you are subscribed to 2ballerinas Pty Ltd as... Read more
  • 2b News Feb 2022 #274 February 13, 2022
    Hi Everyone, Just a quick little newsletter this time with two announcements. ADC PERFORMANCE OF THREE We are have arranged a group booking to see Australasian Dance Theatre season of Three for Friday 18th March. The tickets are $37. It's on at The Playhouse at QPAC at 7.30pm. Let us know soon if you would like to come..Last years season of Three was fabulous and this season looks just as exciting! QLD QR CODE SIGN IN CANCELLED As you are all most likely aware by... Read more
  • 2b News COVID safety plans #273 January 24, 2022
    Hi Everyone This is just a quick email with a reminder about our COVID safety plans. There have been so many changes as to what one can and can't do; we understand its hard to keep up! If you are ever not sure you can always go to our COVID Safe page on our website. We update this page with changes when they happen, with links to the Queensland Government latest requirements. The main requirements for our school are these: Please DO NOT attend class... Read more
  • 2b News Jan 2022 #272 January 7, 2022
    Happy New Year everyone! This is just a quick newsletter due to the recent changes to keep you all informed about our Covid Safety plans. COVID UPDATE Masks Due to the recent surge in cases we would like to ask everyone to wear their masks in class unless you are having difficulty breathing in strenuous parts of class or you have a medical reason to not wear one. Class sizes As we return after the break we will be monitoring class sizes into January and... Read more
  • 2b News – Final for 2021 #271 December 20, 2021
    Hi Everyone Our last Newsletter for 2021 - another year of ups and downs with Covid but we have come through it all - with thanks to you, our wonderful community. It was so great to see all the class dances this last week, fabulous dancing and choreography! Congratulations and thank you to all involved. All the dances can be viewed on Vimeo through this link. TIMETABLE 2022 Classes will resume from Tuesday January 4. Not all classes are returning in the first week... Read more
  • 2b News December 2021 #270 December 2, 2021
    Hi Everyone Due to recent circumstances outlined below regarding a noise complaint we have had to entirely re-work our Christmas event. We are disappointed about this, as you will most likely be as well, but we think that what we have arranged will be a good alternative. The complaint has come through Brisbane City Council and it is serious in that If we are not compliant we risk closure of our business. To address this we are working on ways to control the music level... Read more
  • 2021 Xmas party numbers #269 November 30, 2021
    Hi Everyone, This is just a quick email to get an indication of how many people are participating in our Christmas Event on Friday 17th December at 6pm. We need to work out numbers so we can manage a Covid-Safe event. Please let us know soon if you are performing and which dance or dances you will be performing in. Yes, I'm performing at the Christmas Event Thanks everyone. There will be more information about the evening in the next Newsletter. Best wishes Rosetta and... Read more
  • 2b News – updates November 2021 #268 November 15, 2021
    Hi Everyone In this newsletter we have some updates to classes and the Christmas Party and a ballet to go and see in December. CLASS UPDATES Classes finished or finishing soon - Silver Screen Thursday at 11.15pm has finished. Ballet Back to Basics Thursday 10am has finished. Stretch with Fletch Wednesday 7am will finish on December 1st. Class changes On Tuesday 14th December Level 1 Ballet will move to 6.15pm and Pointe Level 1 will be at 7.15pm. This change will remain into 2022. CHRISTMAS... Read more
  • 2b News – updates October 2021 #267 October 25, 2021
    Hi Everyone Just a few announcements - CHRISTMAS PARTY - CLASSES PERFORMING Below is a list of the classes and teachers that will be participating at this years party on Friday December 17th . The dances are a way of sharing what you have been doing in class with other students from the school. They are just short dances, like an extension of a class exercise and there is no pressure to perform. So if you want to keep doing your regular class, and won’t... Read more
  • 2b News – October 2021 #266 October 2, 2021
    It's hard to believe we are in October already! Our last courses for the year start from next week and in October we start to plan our Christmas Party. Also in this Newsletter another recent Covid update re masks. COVID MASK UPDATE In case everyone hasn’t heard, there is a small change to the mask wearing. We are back to wearing masks inside the building at all times - in the foyer area when you are seated as well moving around the building. In the... Read more
  • 2b News – September 2021 #265 September 3, 2021
    Hi Everyone Just a few quick announcements - two new classes and a change of level. Please note the new classes will replace Silver Screen Jazz and Preparation for Level 1 Ballet but these will be still be running next week until the changes in the following week. Please check all changes on the timetable. BALLET LEVEL 1 MONDAYS 7.30PM Starting from Monday September 13th will be another evening Level 1 class on offer as the Tuesday evening class can get very full. This class... Read more
  • 2b News – Covid Safety August 2021 #264 August 28, 2021
    Hi Everyone, Just a quick newsletter, some updates/reminders on Covid Safety and class bookings. MASKS Wearing masks indoors is still mandatory, and is being reviewed every two weeks. Please wear your mask when moving around the building and as long as possible in class, especially if the classes are large and you can’t physical distance. You don’t need to wear masks exercising if you do find the exercises strenuous and have difficulty breathing with it on. SIGNING IN It's important that everyone keeps signing in... Read more
  • 2b Winter Workshop updates 2021 #263 August 12, 2021
    Hi Everyone Just a quick update with some changes for our Workshops coming up this Sunday. Guest Teachers Due to unforeseen Covid lockdowns and restrictions, two of the guest teachers Amy and Lisa can no longer make it. However we have great replacement teachers - Ballet Level 2 at 9.30am - with Shane Weatherby Ballet Repertoire/Choreography Level 1 The Romantic Era at 11am - with Vanessa Mafe Contemporary at 11am - with Lizzie and Zaimon Vilmanis. All levels welcome. Gain insight into the creative process... Read more
  • 2b News – August 2021 #262 August 8, 2021
    Hi Everyone, Great news - we are back running classes tomorrow. We have some important information, so please read through this newsletter. BOOKING FOR CLASSES As we are required to go back to the 4 sqm rule for the next 2 weeks we are taking pre-bookings just for the classes that we know can possibly go over the amount allocated per studio. All other classes you can safely turn up to. If you haven’t been to a class in a while and you intend on... Read more
  • Lockdown Extended July-August 2021 addendum #261 August 2, 2021
    Hi again, Sorry for the confusing message around Introduction courses - what we meant to say was this: Introduction Courses with classes missed due to the latest lockdown will run an extra week. The extra week will make up for the missed course classes. We hope it is clearer this time! Stay safe Michelle and Rosetta Michelle: 0428 672 920 Rosetta: 0411 887 043 Contact us here Class timetables and locations You have received this email because you are subscribed to 2ballerinas Pty Ltd as... Read more
  • Lockdown Extended July-August 2021 #260 August 2, 2021
    Hi everyone, We have an important update on the changing lockdown situation Lockdown Extended Unfortunately, the lockdown is now extended until 4pm Sunday 8th August. Classes will resume Monday 9th August. Introduction Courses Classes missed for our Introduction Courses due to the lockdown this week will be held the following week from Monday Aug 9th. Let's hope there are no more changes to the lockdown. Stay safe Michelle and Rosetta Michelle: 0428 672 920 Rosetta: 0411 887 043 Contact us here Class timetables and locations... Read more
  • Lockdown July 2021 #259 July 31, 2021
    Hi Everyone Snap Lockdown July 31st Sadly we are in lockdown again from today 4pm Saturday 31st until 4pm Tuesday 3rd. Classes are still running this afternoon until 4pm. Regular classes will resume Tues evening on the 3rd. Please wear your mask in class. Winter Workshops We will postpone the Sunday Winter Workshop and reschedule when we know we are in the clear. Let us know if you are happy to wait until we have a new date or if you would prefer to be... Read more
  • 2b News – July 2021 #258 July 20, 2021
    Hi Everyone Just a few announcements - WINTER WORKSHOPS AUGUST 1ST We still have plenty of room in all the workshops so please let us know if you are thinking of coming as we need to get an idea of numbers. We understand people may be reluctant to book due to the unpredictable nature of Covid. We would like to assure you that if we do need to cancel we will refund payments. All the proceeds from the workshops will be going towards raising funds... Read more
  • Check In QLD app #257 July 8, 2021
    Hi Everyone, We have an important announcement As per QLD Health directives, as of Friday 9th July, the "Check In QLD" app becomes the default check-in app at our studios. We therefore must discontinue our current check-in system. New check-in posters can be found at the entrance as well as on our office window in the foyer. The new check-in experience should be just as quick and easy as before. Check In QLD app If you haven't already, download the app for your device from... Read more
  • Snap Lockdown Extended June/July 2021 #256 July 2, 2021
    Hi Everyone, Unfortunately, the current lockdown has been extended by QLD Health another 24 hours. We will now be back for classes on Sunday 3rd July. If the situation changes again, we will send another newsletter. Best wishes and a safe weekend, Michelle and Rosetta Michelle: 0428 672 920 Rosetta: 0411 887 043 Contact us here Class timetables and locations You have received this email because you are subscribed to 2ballerinas Pty Ltd as . If you no longer wish to receive emails please .... Read more
  • Snap Lockdown June 2021 #255 June 29, 2021
    Hi Everyone As you are all probably aware by now that we are having to go into lockdown for the next three days starting tonight Tue 29th June at 6pm. We will be back for classes on Saturday 2nd July. Best wishes, Michelle and Rosetta Michelle: 0428 672 920 Rosetta: 0411 887 043 Contact us here Class timetables and locations You have received this email because you are subscribed to 2ballerinas Pty Ltd as . If you no longer wish to receive emails please .... Read more
  • 2b News June 2021 #254 June 26, 2021
    Hi Everyone We have lots of exciting things coming up! WINTER WORKSHOPS BOOKINGS OPEN We are excited to announce that the Winter Workshops on Sunday August 1st are now open for bookings. We have a great line up of specialty classes and fantastic teachers. Its $25 for one workshop of 1hr 15min, $20 for a 1 hr workshop, or if you are attending more than one workshop its $20 per workshop. This includes morning and afternoon tea. Michelle and Rosie the 2tealadies will be there... Read more
  • 2b News May 2021 #253 May 23, 2021
    Hi Everyone We have just a few announcements as we near the end of May. WINTER WORKSHOPS - SAVE THE DATE - AUGUST 1ST We are happy to announce that we will be running a Sunday Winter Workshop Sunday August 1st.The workshops will be focused classes with guest and regular teachers that give you the opportunity to learn something different than you would in a general class. More info coming soon. INTRODUCTION TO CONTEMPORARY AND TAP COURSES START NEXT WEEK We have a round of... Read more
  • 2b News April 2021 #252 April 23, 2021
    Hi Everyone Just a couple of quick announcements - GROUP BOOKING TO SEE THREE BY ADC (Australasian Dance Collective) We have arranged a group booking to see this fantastic Contemporary Company on Friday 28th May at 7.30pm at The Playhouse Theatre at QPAC. If you would like to join this booking please email Tickets are $49. SATURDAY INTRODUCTION COURSES start tomorrow APRIL 24 If you have been thinking of trying a new style or repeating course then there is plenty of room in all... Read more
  • Masks must be worn at the studio #251 April 5, 2021
    Hi Everyone This is just a quick email to remind everyone about the latest on wearing masks. Queensland Health have set mandatory mask wearing when you are indoors. For us this means anywhere in the building - but you can take them off in class when you are doing strenuous exercise. Please maintain social distance. This is just until April 15. Thank you everyone for helping out. See more information here. Cheers Rosetta and Michelle Michelle: 0428 672 920 Rosetta: 0411 887 043 Contact us... Read more
  • 2b News – Classes Resume tonight #250 April 1, 2021
    Hi Everyone, CLASSES RESUME Classes are back running from tonight and every day throughout the Easter period. The only class not running will be Friday 11am Tap Level 2. MASKS If you feel you are unable to physically distance in class please wear a mask. We have some 2b masks available for $5. If you need one please ask your teacher. Just for a bit of fun in these crazy times we made another little video. Watch Now MAKING UP MISSED CLASSES We are running... Read more
  • 2b News – COVID Shutdown #249 March 29, 2021
    Hi Everyone A quick newsletter with updates on classes due to the recent Covid announcement this morning March 29. COVID SHUTDOWN THREE DAYS As you are are probably aware Brisbane is going into a lockdown from 5pm this afternoon (Monday), for three days so there will be no classes running. Classes are still running this morning so please bring a mask. If anyone needs a mask we have some 2b ones available to purchase for $5 (in pink, white or black). CLASSES RUNNING OVER EASTER... Read more
  • 2b News March 2021 #248 March 19, 2021
    Hi Everyone Many updates and extra classes to announce - NEW CLASS - SILVER SCREEN JAZZ MONDAYS 7.30PM STARTING FROM NEXT WEEK 22nd March We are changing the previous Jazz Level 1 class on Monday evenings to a Silver Screen Jazz - suitable for Level 1/Beginners which will be taken by the Hannah Clark. NEW CLASS - BALLET BACK TO BASICS THURSDAYS 10AM (previously Preparation for Level 1) In this class Tracey will be breaking down the underlying technique of fundamental steps in ballet. If... Read more
  • 2b News Feb 2021 – Announcements for March #247 February 25, 2021
    Hi Everyone We have a couple of announcements for March: NEW CLASS - SILVER SCREEN JAZZ - THURSDAYS 11.15 - 12.15pm We are exited to announce this new fun class - Silver Screen Jazz. It will suit level 1/beginners. We would like to welcome to 2b, Hannah Clark who will be taking this class. A little info on what Hannah has planned for this class - Take a step back in time to the days where Hollywood was old and the ‘Silver Screen’ was new.... Read more
  • 2b News Feb 2021 #246 February 1, 2021
    Hi Everyone Now that we have the year up and running we have just a few announcements coming into February. CLASS LEVEL CHANGE CONTEMPORARY TUESDAY EVENINGS The Contemporary class at 7.15pm will now be a Level 1 (was a Level 2). Start the year off by getting back to basics in this fun easy moving class with Lizzie Villmanis. NEW CLASS! PREPARATION FOR LEVEL 1 THURSDAYS 10AM We are happy to announce a new beginner level class that Tracey Lee White will be taking starting... Read more
  • 2b News Jan 2021 #245 January 13, 2021
    Hi Everyone Water Outage Apologies for the newsletter so soon after the other one but we just received notice from Qld Urban Utilities of a water outage to the entire building. It will be just for tomorrow morning Thursday 13th January from 9.30am to 12.30pm. So this means if you need to use the bathroom it won’t be possible during this time. While we are here just another couple of things... Mask update There have some queries regarding the mask wearing and there is a... Read more
  • 3 Day Lockdown Important Update #244 January 11, 2021
    Hi Everyone Easing of Greater Brisbane restrictions With the recent COVID 19 update we can announce that all our classes will be back tonight - Monday 11th from 6.15pm. It is now a requirement to wear a mask indoors until 22nd January, so BYO masks! Cheers Michelle and Rosetta Michelle: 0428 672 920 Rosetta: 0411 887 043 Contact us here Class timetables and locations You have received this email because you are subscribed to 2ballerinas Pty Ltd as . If you no longer wish to... Read more
  • 3 Day Lockdown #243 January 8, 2021
    Hi Everyone, Just a quick announcement to let you know that due to the recent COVID announcements we will not be running classes Saturday, Sunday or Monday morning. All going well we will be back on Monday night. If you feel like doing some dancing at home, we still have our online classes up on our website. There are the free classes as well as our Introduction to Ballet and Tap courses plus the Tutorials with more in depth information to rent if you want... Read more
  • 2b News January 2021 #242 January 7, 2021
    Hi Everyone Our classes are back and we hope that this year is a great one for all with no interruptions! Just a few quick announcements to get the year going … NEW SIGN IN WITH QR CODE To streamline the sign in process we have added a QR code sign in. Currently it is not mandatory for dance schools to use this system, and we do already keep a database of our students. We will still have the hand sign in book as another... Read more
  • 2b News Last for 2020 #241 December 20, 2020
    Hi Everyone Our last Newsletter for the year… and what a year it has been. Everyone has been fantastic adapting to COVID requirements by signing in on arrival, thank you! Given the recent announcements today we are looking into putting in place a QR Code check-in system as well. In the meantime please ensure when you sign in your contact details are legible. We would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone for your support for our school during this strange year. We look... Read more
  • 2b News December 2020 #240 December 2, 2020
    Hi Everyone As we near Christmas we have some important dates and announcements heading into 2021. CHRISTMAS HOLIDAY CLASSES AND DATES FOR 2021 Our main timetable will finish on Sunday December 20. From Monday 21st until Wednesday 23rd we will be running a different schedule with a mix of classes taken by some special guest teachers and current teachers. For more info and to book click here. View Xmas Timetable Classes will resume on Monday January 4. Please note that not all classes for the... Read more
  • 2b News October 2020 #239 October 1, 2020
    Hi Everyone Lots of exciting things to look forward to in October. GUEST TEACHER TUESDAY OCTOBER 6 Dale Johnston will be taking two level 1 classes on Tuesday morning at 9am and 10am. The 10 class is already full but there are some places in the 9am. If you would like to come please book here. INTRODUCTION COURSES NEXT WEEK Both the morning and evening Tuesday Introduction to Ballet courses starting next week on Tuesday October 6 are now full. If you have booked already... Read more
  • 2b News September 2020 #238 September 9, 2020
    Hi Everyone We have a few announcements - FRIDAY 9AM CLASS CANCELLED We aren’t running this class anymore so there will be no class this week. Bookings will remain in place for the Friday Level 1 at 10am. If you have already booked a permanent place in the 10am class and you are still coming you wont need to re book. Please let us know if you are not coming anymore to the 10 am class or if you can’t make it so we can... Read more
  • 2b News August 2020 #237 August 25, 2020
    Hi Everyone Just a few announcements - UPDATE ON COVID SAFETY With the recent announcement of more Covid cases in the greater Brisbane area we would just like to remind everyone to please be mindful of social distancing, especially in the foyer area before and after classes. Please only come in just in time for class, and leave the studios after your class. Please make sure you read our Covid Safe plan.Note on the crossover between Attitude Dance Academy and 2ballerinas classes - weekdays 6.10pm... Read more